Category Archives: Organic alcohol

Organic alcohol produced from Grapes at a Swan Valley winery in Perth Western Australia.

Organic Pisco Sour recipe

This organic Pisco Sour recipe is a Chilean recipe for a classic sour cocktail made with Harris Organic Pisco. We love making these cocktails with Pisco.

Image result for what alcohol is in pisco sour
Pisco Sour

What alcohol is in a pisco sour

In Peru and Chile, a Pisco Sour is made with a type of brandy called Pisco. Pisco is made by distilling grape juice into a strong spirit, which can be aged or used right away.

Pisco has a clear or slightly amber colour and a fruity taste, perfect for cocktails like the Pisco Sour. Organic Pisco is made from organic grapes and distilled twice in a wood-fired pot still.

To make a classic Pisco Sour, you’ll also need fresh lime juice, simple syrup, egg whites, and bitters.


Organic PS Ingredients

  • 60mL Harris Organic Pisco
  • 30mL fresh organic lime juice
  • 15mL organic sugar syrup
  • Organic raw egg white
  • Dash of bitters
  • Ice

Method of making PS

  • Combine lime juice, sugar syrup, raw egg white and organic Pisco in a shaker, and shake vigorously.
  • Add ice and shake
  • Strain into glass
  • Add 4 drops of bitters
Organic Pisco Sour recipe
Pisco Sour

About the Pisco Sour cocktail

The Pisco Sour has been a contention between Chile and Peru for years. Both countries have claimed

In the past, they invented it, but it’s widely accepted that the Pisco Sour is Peru’s national drink. For a long time, its creation was attributed to Victor Morris, an American railway worker in Peru. But…

The history of the Pisco Sour would tell you that the Pisco Sour was invented by Victor Morris’s wine bar in Lima during the 1920s.

Although Chile also claims to have invented the Pisco Sour, documents such as printed advertisements or his bar’s register show that Pisco Sours were being served at the Morris Bar before anywhere else.

But a recent discovery of a Peruvian cookbook from 1903 made me question the origin of the Pisco Sour. This cookbook, Nuevo Manual de Cocina a la Criolla (Lima 1903), suggests that the origin of the Pisco Sour may be a traditional creole cocktail made in Lima over 100 years ago.

It all started with a tweet by Franco Cabachi from Pitahaya Bar in Lima, in which he posted a picture of a Peruvian cookbook from 1903 that had recipes for two of the cocktails in the book. The one that caught my eye was simply titled “Cocktail” — This is the approximate translation:

    An egg white, a glass of Pisco, a teaspoon of fine sugar, and a few drops of lime as desired, this will open your appetite.
    Up to three glasses can be made with one egg white and a heaping teaspoon of fine sugar, adding the rest of the ingredients as needed for each glass. All this is beaten in a cocktail shaker until you’ve made a small punch.

Doesn’t that sound like the Pisco Sour? It has all the ingredients except the Angostura bitters and perhaps ice. Also, it uses fine sugar instead of simple syrup. And, in the style of the book, it has no specific measurements, rather it’s made to taste. Despite the obvious similarities, it’s interesting that this cocktail is not yet called the Pisco Sour.

Duncan’s vegan tip for Pisco Sour

Pisco Sour recipe – no egg

You can make pisco sours with no egg easily.

To make your Pisco Sour vegan friendly, you can substitute the egg white with the gelatinous liquid from your can of chickpeas ( aqua-faba). Just take out the egg white and add two tablespoons of aqua-faba. Easy.

And, if you are keeping things traditional, we highly recommend making sure that your organic eggs are as fresh as possible for the best foam texture.

Pisco is very versatile when paired with different flavours, so for those wanting a more bitter result, you can try changing your lime to grapefruit. For a slightly sweeter result, give blood orange juice a go instead.

Who owns the name Pisco?


Even though Chile has a much greater production of its Aguardiente ( WRONGLY CALLED Pisco), Peru has defended its origin. After fierce and well-documented litigation in International Courts, it won the right to use an Appellation of Origin for Pisco. Therefore, Peru claims the exclusive right.

Pisco was recognized as a Peruvian Geographical Indication by the European Union in 2013. However, the United States allows products of Peru and Chile to be identified as ” Pisco “. We don’t know what the Australian government allows. Do you?

Peru states the word ” Pisco ” has a close relationship with the Geographical area where it is produced.

However, Salvador and the European Union recognise ” the Exclusive Peruvian Origin of Pisco ” where its distinctive grapes grow and thrive like no other region.


So, to recognise this fact we use the Peruvian name Pisco or the French name Eau de Vie on the label of Harris Organic Pisco.


The Pisco Sour recipes will help you have an enjoyable experience with your newly found friend, Pisco.

Organic Limoncello recipe – Australia

Are you ready to embark on a tantalizing journey through the sun-soaked flavours of Australia? Organic limoncello recipe made from pure alcohol. Making your own homemade limoncello or lemoncello has become very popular now that Everclear organic alcohol is available in Australia.

Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of Limoncello with this authentic recipe tailored for the Australian palate. Unlock the secrets behind crafting this refreshing elixir that perfectly captures the essence of our bright and sun-soaked summers.

Join me, Duncan, as we delve into the art of concocting a Limoncello that resonates with the zestiness of down under.

Hold on tight as we take you on a delightful exploration of an authentic Limoncello recipe that you can try in the comfort of your own home. Limoncello is the embodiment of bright Australian summers, bursting with zesty citrus notes and a refreshing tang.

In this article, we will guide you through the traditional process of creating your very own Limoncello, using locally sourced lemons and a touch of Aussie ingenuity. With its origins rooted in the Amalfi Coast of Italy, Limoncello has become a sought-after liqueur around the world.

But why go searching for imported bottles when you can craft your vibrant elixir at home? Discover the secrets behind selecting the perfect lemons, extracting their essence, and balancing the sweetness to create a Limoncello that will transport your taste buds directly to your sun-drenched beach.

So, grab your cocktail shaker and let’s dive into this invigorating and authentic Limoncello recipe that will elevate your home mixology game to new heights. Is that over the top?

When I was searching for zesty Limoncello recipes, I was using the wrong spelling, like, lemon cello and lemoncello. The actual spelling is limoncello as it is of Italian origin.

What is Limoncello?

What is limoncello liqueur, you may ask? Limoncello is an Italian sweet liqueur made from the rind of lemons, alcohol and sugar. There are several different recipes, see below, depending on what alcohol you use to extract the lemon skin oil from the rind.

What lemons to use?

What lemons to use? Myer and Eureka lemons are readily available in Australia, the sweeter the lemon, we believe will give you the best limoncello. Choose thick-skinned lemons with a bright yellow colour – we’ve learnt that homegrown knobbly looking ones make the best zesty limoncello. 

Ideally, use homegrown lemons. Go for a walk around your suburb to find a lemon tree, you may make new friends with your new organic limoncello recipes with Harris Organic alcohol.

pure alcohol for limoncello
pure alcohol for limoncello

What is Pure Alcohol

Pure alcohol is ethyl alcohol (ethanol) which has been distilled to make the highest alcoholic content possible. Therefore the pure alcohol has to be 190 proof or 95% alcohol by volume or higher.  Pure alcohol is ideal for making limoncello.

Pure Alcohol for limoncello

Pure Alcohol for limoncello recipe

You can use two strengths of pure alcohol for limoncello. For the best results use high proof alcohol, like 95% organic Everclear or organic vodka at 40% alcohol.

What is the best vodka for limoncello?

Australian cheap Vodka is generally alcohol with water added. Therefore normal shop-bought vodka may not be the best vodka for making limoncello as it is normally 37% or 75 proof. Some recipes call for 100 proof vodka and others call for the highest proof possible, which is 190 proof or 95%.

The action of the alcohol is to leach out the oil in the skins of the lemons. Therefore, the higher the percentage of alcohol the more extraction you can obtain. Use the highest proof you can find. Use 190 or 100 proof vodka that is certified organic for the best limoncello.

How to drink Limoncello

Do you drink limoncello straight?

Limoncello can be served straight up, on the rocks, or as an ingredient in a mixed drink such as the Zesty Spritz, a lemon and gin cocktail recipe. You can also experiment with adding limoncello in place of other sweeteners or liqueurs for a lemon-flavoured variation on your favourite cocktail recipes.

How to make Limoncello in Australia

Ingredients for Limoncello Liqueur

Best Limoncello recipe with Pure Alcohol

The best limoncello liqueur recipe will make about 2.4 L of Limoncello using Australian Pure Alcohol. This makes a better Limoncello than using Australian organic vodka. The method of making organic limoncello can be found below.

  • 5 organic lemons
  • 500 mL pure organic 95% alcohol
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 6 cups 1900 mL rain, drinking or bottled water


  • 2 organic lemons or the best lemons from your tree
  • 250 mL Everclear 95% alcohol
  • 120 g granulated sugar
  • 3 cups or 750 mL rain, drinking or bottled water

Limoncello Recipe – Australia with Organic Vodka

This limoncello recipe will make about 1.5 L of Limoncello using organic vodka. The resultant liqueur should finish with about 20% alcohol in your limoncello. That will mean that it will be stable and not go off, whether you have it in the cupboard or the fridge.

  • 4 organic lemons
  • 750mL 100-proof vodka – 50% organic alcohol
  • 125g granulated sugar
  • 3 cups or 750 mL of filtered or bottled water

Directions to make Limoncello recipe

  1. Peel or zest the lemons, taking care to just zest the outermost yellow peel and none of the white pith inside. Carefully cut off any residual pith with a small pairing knife if necessary.
  2. Place lemons in a large glass 2L jar or other glass containers that can be sealed airtight. Cover with the Everclear or 100 proof vodka. Then, secure the lid and place it in a cool, dark location for at least 3 days and up to 1 week, until the rind is white and crisp.
  3. When the liquor is yellow and the peel begins to turn white and easily snaps into two pieces when bent, the limoncello soaking process is finished. The longer it steeps the stronger the lemon flavour of the lemon liquor will be.
  4. Strain limoncello into a clean glass jar, discarding lemon peels. If desired, strain the lemon liquor again through a fine-mesh sieve lined with a coffee filter with a little of the ingredient water. This will remove even more residual solids and result in a smoother final product.
  5. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan set over medium heat. All you need to do is dissolve the sugar. Bring the water temperature to 50C, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Remove from heat and let cool, then pour into a jar with lemon liquor. Secure the lid and return to your cool, dark location to mellow, for at least 2 weeks or more. The longer you let it mellow, the better your final limoncello will be.
  7. Once the limoncello has mellowed, use a funnel to divide the limoncello among some small glass bottles to give to friends. Chill in the freezer for at least 4 hours before serving.

Limoncello alcohol content

As mentioned above, in the recipes the homemade limoncello alcohol content should end up being about 24% alcohol minimum. This is enough to preserve and stabilise the limoncello without permanently keeping it in the refrigerator. The alcohol content of most brands of limoncello is between 24% to 32%. Most brands tend to be in the 20% range, around 26%-29% alcohol by volume.

Lemonade with the juice

All the lemon juice can be used in several recipes. Therefore, you can try making homemade lemon curd or a batch of lemonade, or freeze the juice for later.

Where to buy pure alcohol for limoncello

Where to buy pure alcohol for limoncello is a common question from Australian makers of limoncello. Harris Organic pure alcohol is available from their online store in 200 mL and 500 ml bottles. Delivery is available within Australia.

Where to buy limoncello – Australia

If you don’t have the time, there are several places where to buy limoncello if you are unable to make your own. Try Don Giovanni Limoncello Liqueur or Ambra Limoncello. Both are available in Australia.

How to make Flower Essences using Organic Brandy

Instructions to Make Flower Essences with Organic Brandy

How to make flower essences

How to make Flower Essences using organic brandy. Flower blossoms are a bit of our life venture, from birth until death. Flowers influence the faculties; our noses, captivated by a euphoric fragrance, can send our recollections back in time. Possibly you will remember as a young adult, you picked the stamens out of the centre of a yellow honeysuckle flower to taste its sweetness on your tongue.

Flowers Essences

Believe it if you will, flowers can act at an alternate plane– a vibrational level with our actual spirits. Flower Essences treatment works principally as a fiery impetus to get changes in your mental state. The results of those progressions may have actual appearances too, however, these are a precaution.

Flower Essences
Make your own Flower Essence

How Do Bach Flower Essences Work?

English doctor Edward Bach left modern medicine during the 1930s to work with flower essences. He became the originator and maker of 38 Bach Flower Essences and one crisis recipe called Rescue Remedy, all are still available today. Dr Bach was abundantly aware of the liveliness that the individual flowers gave to the flower water.

At this point when made in attunement with nature and the actual flowers, the essences work on the passionate level of our bodies. You can buy Australian flower remedies in Australia from Australian Bush Flower Essences.

Bach Flower remedies

Bach flower remedies likewise have a characteristic proclivity to the seven energy places of the body referred to as chakras. The chakras are Root Chakra (establishing and security), Sacral Chakra (connections/sex), coeliac plexus (confidence), Heart Chakra (giving and accepting affection), Throat Chakra (self-articulation/correspondence), Brow or sense organ (mental lucidity), and therefore the Crown Chakra (soul cognizance and also the heavenly).

Flower essences don’t have any results or contraindications

Best brandy for the best flower essences

In Australia, the best brandy for flower essences is Harris Organic unwooded brandy. Specially formulated to make stable essences without the threat of having non-organic contaminants.

The best brandy for flower essences is Harris Organic unwooded brandy, although if you prefer a softer wooded brandy you can choose from the Harris Organic brandy range.

Flower Essence Uses

Top pages

They are ideal to be used with youngsters and creatures. they will be taken in an assortment of ways: orally, added to your bath, blended in along with your moisturizer and applied straightforwardly to your skin, or neutered as a fog that may be consumed from the air. you cannot take excessively or excessively little. Be that because it may, they contrast with customary medicines.

The maxim that toning it down would be best applies to vibrational cures. Maybe, the best thing about flower characters is that you simply can make them yourself with no costly hardware, only a pair of essential things to start with. All you would like could be a sharp feeling of instinct and dedicated love of nature and flowers.

Picking Your Flower Essence

Picking a flower petal can be pretty much as basic as choosing a flower that you feel a specific fascination with. You can pick a flower blossom that is now filling in your nursery or through pictures. In the event that working with premade forces, there are a couple of ways that you can pick the correct one.

Attempt instinctive vibrational methods, for example, utilizing your hands to “feel” the energy of a specific embodiment; this might be felt as a vibe of warmth and shivering when passing your open palms over the forces.

Different techniques experts use notwithstanding instinct incorporate the utilization of a pendulum (Radiesthesia), muscle testing (Kinesiology), or utilization of the Doctrine of Signatures (i.e., pick pink flowers for the heart chakra, violet/purple for the crown chakra, etc).

Each blossom has a finger impression interesting to its vibration. When working with Flower Essences, it’s critical to perceive that the individual characters are bi-polar, tending to both the “issue” and the “arrangement.”

This requires genuine self-reflection. Determinations depend on singular history: objectives, qualities, shortcomings, connections, and educational encounters.

Setting up a Flower Essence

The essential essence that you just make is the basis of your flower essence, the Mother Essence. This Mother Essence is additionally crushed spirit into a stock jug lastly whenever wanted, a measurement bottle.
Before you begin, everything of your provisions should be sanitized. Pick a radiant morning before the dew has dried to chop your flowers. you may put the bowl, raised to catch the sun, if you can, nearby where you have got accumulated three hours of daylight.

Supplies to Make Your Flower Essences:


  • Two, 60g glass dropper bottles, dark (golden or green) in shading.
  • The additional bottles are for breaking the stock container into a measurements bottle whenever wanted.
  • Funnel
  • Clear glass bowl to be used for making flower essences.
  • A glass container (600mL) with 100 to 150 ml of rainwater or well water.
  • Try not to utilize refined water as the ionization cycle used to distil it obliterates the water’s life power.
  • A leaf, for example, a cabbage or lettuce leaf to put flowers on prior to adding to the water.
  • Organic Brandy as an additive.
  • Shears or scissors are used explicitly for social occasions flowers.
  • Labels. Make certain to record the time, date, and area just as the essence(s) contained.

The most effective method to Make Flower Essence.

Flower essence recipe

Step-by-Step recipe

Stage 1 – Choose and Gather Your Flowers

When you’re prepared to soak your flowers, take the water from the container and add it to the glass bowl. Invest some energy in communing along with your picked plant/flowers. Check that to speak in confidence to the plant about what you plan to try and do and request authorization with it. This could appear to be senseless, yet plants are authentic creatures!

Recollect that your progression of energy goes into every quintessence you create. Pick and assemble flowers that are near full development. Follow your instinct, cutting simply the flower heads (without contacting them) and letting them fall onto the leaf.

Stage 2 – Add Your Flowers to Water

At the point when you have accumulated enough flowers for your Mother Essence, add them to the outside of the water, face-up with the goal that they are not contacting. Let the bowl with the flowers sit undisturbed in the sun for roughly three to four hours.

Stage 3 – Choose and Gather Your Flowers Utilizing a leaf, you can eliminate the flowers from the water. Spot them under the plant you have assembled them from and offer much obliged.

Stage 4 – Prepare Your Stock Bottle

Add the organic brandy liquor 40% alcohol with rainwater into the stock container, to make a 20% alcohol solution, ie 50:50, and afterwards add four to seven drops of the Mother Essence. Initiate the substance by overwhelmingly shaking the jug and tapping it against your palm, blending it into the water. Make certain to shake the bottle each time before utilizing them. On the off chance that making a dose bottle, simply rehash this interaction.

Stage 5 – Use Your Flower Essence

The dose from the stock bottle is four drops under the tongue or in exceedingly little water up to fourfold day by day. Take after waking and resigning, around early afternoon and evening suppers. In any case, don’t take it straightforwardly with food. Make sure to store the essence out of sunshine and heat.

Start by working with one essence. As you acquire insight, you’d then be ready to consolidate three to 6 essences zeroing in on major issues. There could be an impermanent expansion in manifestations until negative examples are delivered.

If necessary, increment the recurrence of the essence, not the portion size. participate in exercises that job synergistically with the flower essences, for instance, journaling and utilizing positive confirmations that may help re-energize your psyche.

Flower Choices to Get You Started

Beebalm Mondardo didyma: A top pick of the hummingbirds and a tremendous decision to return some zoom to your life, truly and profoundly. Use honey bee ointment flower essence to feature some ‘sparkle’ to your life.

Draining Heart Dicentra formosa: a long-lasting, handily perceived by its hanging memento-like hearts, this quintessence includes a liking with the centre chakra. Individuals who have had broken hearts may discover flower essence therapy with draining hearts, however, it’s prescribed to try to do so step by step. It can reestablish concordance and harmony to the guts.

German Chamomile Matricaria recutita: wild chamomile is effortlessly perceived by its sensitive flowers with its bright yellow community and whitebeam petals. Seek chamomile for sensations of stress and unbalance. the daylight-based plexus chakra is relieved by the quieting of chamomile.

Columbine Aquilegia canadensis: Columbine once seen isn’t destined to be forgotten for its ethereal magnificence. Columbine is useful for people who experience the ill effects of confidence issues.

Honeysuckle (common) Lonicera caprifolium: Use the flower essence of honeysuckle if you finish up lost in sentimentality, that “I must return home over again,” feeling. Honeysuckle will prevent from suffocating before, be it a tragically missing youth or the departure of a relationship. It can permit you to push ahead along with your life in an exceedingly positive way, gain from past encounters, and push ahead with making flower essences with organic brandy.

How to use flower essences

There are a few ways to use flower essences. Check out this link about how to use flower essences. We are sure you will enjoy this page.

References and Resources

Whitehurst, T. (2013). The enchantment of flowers. Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications.

Online Resources

Australian Bush Flower Essences,

Flower Essence Society,

Swan Valley Distillery – Perth Distillery

Duncan Harris started his Swan Valley distillery in Perth in 2008 when he had an excess of grapes to make organic brandy. In the hot climate of the Swan Valley where the world’s best organic fortified wines are made, a brandy distillery is necessary to produce organic fortified wines.

Harris Organic Distillery – The Stills

Harris Organic has two stills named Rotunda and Bertha.

Bertha the organic brandy pot-still

Harris Organic has two organic brandy stills. The first one is a 300L stainless pot-still with a copper condenser.  The capacity of the condenser is rated at 20kW. The pot-still is fired with wood, which is highly unusual these days. Most pot-stills are gas-fired or electrically heated. The wood used is provided by the vine arms pruned off with the chainsaw during the winter pruning or timber gathered from Swan Valley properties.

Bertha is used firstly to “knock down” the freshly fermented wine into a stable alcoholic organic brandy solution (low wines) so it can be used later. Later the brandy low wines are redistilled to produce an eau de vie to make fine wood-aged organic brandy in a Cognac style.

Rotunda the column still – Column Distillation

Rotunda is the second still at Harris Organic. It is a 100-litre still modified with a four-inch tri-clover fitting to allow the column to fit. The four-inch hole allows for easy cleaning of the still too.

The still has legs welded to the base and an outlet with a drain valve. Attached is the 1.5-metre column made of a 2-inch stainless steel tube filled with stainless steel pot scrubbers. The pot scrubbers add surface area for increased refluxing within the tower, this increases the purity of the organic brandy spirit.

A black foam insulation sleeve helps with the efficiency of the still. On top of the column is attached a crossflow condenser. Harry Jackson designed this two-inch condenser in Queensland.

Column Still Condenser

Under the column still, the condenser is the working part of the organic brandy still. This is a “vapour management” (VM) controlled still, which means the vapour is controlled with a valve. A one-inch stainless tube is teed off the main column with a one-inch brass gate valve as the controller of the vapour. From there the vapour condenses in a one-inch vertical condenser. The maximum rate obtained from this still at 95% alcohol is about 500mL per hour. A rate of one litre per hour is easily obtained at 93 plus per cent.

When the brandy spirit is over 90 % by volume alcohol the product is very smooth to the taste when it is diluted to an acceptable 40%.  This organic spirit is classed as a neutral organic brandy spirit.  Instead of calling it N.B.S. or spiritus vini rectificatus (SVR) we call it vodka. This smoothness is due to the ability of grapes to give a wonderful mouthfeel, compared with other grain-based organic vodka spirits.

Organic Brandy bottle over ten years old.

Distillation Results – Swan Valley distillery

These two distillation stills are all that is required to make a range of high-quality certified organic spirits. The organic brandy spirits are available for shipment from Harris Organic online at their online organic brandy store

Distillery Awards – Brandy Awards

Harris Organic brandy distillery has been awarded two consecutive bronze medals at the Perth Royal Show for their XO brandy. The Swan Valley distillery has many years of brandy stored in its underground cellar. Perth distillery tours are available.

How is great brandy made?

Great Brandy is only made from grapes. That is, grapes are made into wine and once fermented the sugar of the grapes has been turned into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The wine is then boiled in a large pot-still to extract and concentrate the alcohol. At the first distillation, the resultant brandy spirit is called low wines. Second and further distillation refine the low wines into different products.

Wood-Aged Brandys – Classifications

What do the initials VS, VSOP and XO mean?

VS, VSOP and XO refer to the age and quality of Brandy. Each corresponds to how long the brandy has been aged in oak barrels. In 1983, following a request by the BNIC (Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac)*, the French government drafted regulations governing the terms used to describe a cognac”s quality.

These designations, which may be included on the label, refer to the age of the youngest eau-de-vie used in making the Brandy.  VS stands for “Very Special”: only Eaux-de-vie at least two years old can be used to make a VS Brandy.

Other denominators and expressions are permitted, such as “3 stars” or “luxury”, and as such are included in the VS Brandy category. VSOP stands for “Very Superior Old Pale”: VSOP Brandys are created from eau de vie aged for at least four years.

The VSOP category includes designations such as “Old” or “Reserve”. XO stands for “Extra Old”: XO Brandys are made only from Eaux-de-vie at least six years old. Brandys such as “Napoleon” ( 6 years old) were equivalent to XO Brandy but not since 2018.

XO brandy is now greater than 10 years old.

Australian brandy has to be aged for a minimum of two years in oak casks and in Cognac, it is also two years. The age of the organic brandy or Cognac is calculated as that of the youngest component used in the blend.

The blend is usually of different ages and (in the case of our organic Brandys) our blended XO brandy has a minimum of ten years of age.

Thus, it is the only organic XO brandy in Australia and Perths best brandy.

Duncan Harris – Bio – Swan Valley distillery

Duncan Harris has been working in the Swan Valley wine industry for over 25 years. Firstly, he would help out on weekends at Riverbank Winery, while looking for land to grow grapes in the Swan Valley.

In 1995 Duncan attended the Spring in the Valley festival and went to Baskerville Hall. He noted that the horse paddock opposite renowned John Kosovich wines (formerly Westfield) was an ideal place to grow excellent wine grapes.

A professional mechanical engineer, Duncan is interested in electric cars, solar energy and wind power. In 1989, Duncan attended a windpower conference in Houston Texas while visiting windpower sites in Europe, California and Hawaii.

October 1998 was the beginning of his winemaking journey. The Baskerville property was advertised in the Sunday Times newspaper, on a Sunday, and purchased on Monday.

So, 1999 was the first vintage at the new property. We made a Shiraz and a Chenin blanc with the assistance of David McNamara.

Further, vintages continue to be made at The Swan Valley distillery and winery premises.

2024 will be the year of 26 years of winemaking at Harris Organic Wines. And over 15 years for a Swan Valley distillery.