Category Archives: Organic alcohol

Organic alcohol produced from Grapes at a Swan Valley winery in Perth Western Australia.

The Ultimate Guide to Grain Alcohol:

Unveiling Its Uses, and Benefits

Welcome to the ultimate guide on grain alcohol, where we unveil its myriad uses and benefits. Whether you’re a bartender, a DIY enthusiast, or someone interested in exploring the world of spirits, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make the most of alcohol.

Grain alcohol, also known as neutral spirit or ethyl alcohol, is a highly potent distilled alcohol made from fermented grain. It boasts an alcohol content of 95% and higher, making it a staple ingredient in a wide range of cocktails and tinctures.

In this guide, we’ll explore the various uses of alcohol, from its role in mixing classic cocktails like martinis and gimlets to its importance as a solvent in the production of herbal tinctures. We’ll also delve into the benefits of using alcohol, including its long shelf life, its ability to extract flavours efficiently, and its versatility in creating custom concoctions.

So, whether you’re looking to stock your home bar, create your own signature cocktails, or unlock the full potential of herbal remedies, join us on this journey as we dive deep into the fascinating world of grain alcohol.

What is grain alcohol and how is it made?

Grain alcohol is a type of neutral spirit that is made by fermenting and distilling grains such as corn, wheat, barley, or rye. The process starts by mixing the ground seeds with water and heating them to create a mash. Yeast is then added to the mash to kickstart the fermentation process, where the sugar in the grains is converted into alcohol.

The fermented mash is then distilled to remove impurities and increase the alcohol content. This process is repeated several times until the alcohol content reaches 95% or higher. The end product is a clear, odourless, and tasteless liquid that is perfect for mixing cocktails and creating tinctures.

grain alcohol

Common uses for grain alcohol

Grain alcohol is a versatile spirit that has a wide range of uses. One of its most common uses is in the production of spirits like vodka, gin, and whiskey. It is also a popular ingredient in many classic cocktails like martinis, gimlets, and daiquiris.

Alcohol is also widely used in the production of herbal tinctures. Tinctures are made by steeping herbs and botanicals in alcohol for several weeks or months to extract their beneficial properties. The high alcohol content of the alcohol makes it an effective solvent for extracting the active compounds in herbs, resulting in highly concentrated tinctures.

Another common use for alcohol is as a fuel for alcohol stoves and lamps. Its high alcohol content makes it a clean-burning and efficient fuel source that is perfect for outdoor activities like camping and hiking.

The benefits of using grain alcohol

One of the most significant benefits of using grain alcohol is its long shelf life. Due to its high alcohol content, alcohol does not spoil or go bad, making it a great ingredient to have on hand for long-term storage.

Alcohol is also highly efficient at extracting flavours and active compounds from herbs and botanicals. This makes it a popular choice for creating custom tinctures and infusions, as well as for cooking and baking.

Another benefit of using alcohol is its versatility. Its neutral flavour profile makes it a great base for creating custom spirits and liqueurs. You can also use it to create your own signature cocktails by infusing it with different flavours like fruits, spices, and herbs.

Recipes and DIY projects using grain alcohol

Grain alcohol is a versatile spirit that can be used in a wide range of recipes and DIY projects. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Homemade Vanilla Extract


– 1 cup alcohol

– 3-4 whole vanilla beans


1. Slice the vanilla beans lengthwise and place them in a glass bottle or jar.

2. Pour the alcohol over the vanilla beans, making sure they are fully submerged.

3. Seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 6-8 weeks, shaking it occasionally.

4. After 6-8 weeks, strain out the vanilla beans and transfer the vanilla extract to a clean bottle or jar.

Limoncello- Lemon-Infused Alcohol


– 250 mL of 95% organic alcohol

– Peel from 2-3 lemons


1. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the peel from 2-3 lemons, making sure to avoid the white pith.

2. Place the lemon peels in a glass bottle or jar.

3. Pour the alcohol over the lemon peels, making sure they are fully submerged.

4. Seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 1-2 weeks, shaking it occasionally.

5. After 1-2 weeks, strain out the lemon peels and transfer the lemon-infused alcohol to a clean bottle or jar.

DIY Hand Sanitizer


– 2/3 cup 190 proof alcohol

– 1/3 cup aloe vera gel

– 10-20 drops essential oil (optional)


1. In a small bowl, whisk together the alcohol and aloe vera gel until fully combined.

2. If desired, add 10-20 drops of your favourite essential oil to the mixture and stir to combine.

3. Transfer the mixture to a small squeeze bottle or spray bottle for easy use.

Alternatives to grain alcohol

If you’re looking for an alternative to grain alcohol, there are several options available. One popular alternative is vodka, which is made from distilled grapes, potatoes or grains. Vodka has a lower alcohol content than alcohol, typically around 40%, but it can still be used in many of the same applications.

Everclear alcohol is another popular alternative to grain alcohol. Like grain alcohol, Everclear is a highly potent neutral spirit with an alcohol content of 95% or higher. However, it is made from corn rather than grains, which gives it a slightly different flavour profile.

Where to buy grain alcohol

Grain alcohol can be found at most liquor stores and online retailers. Some popular brands include Harris Organic, Everclear, and Diesel 190. When purchasing alcohol, be sure to check the alcohol content and choose a brand that is safe for consumption.

Safety precautions when using grain alcohol

Grain alcohol is a highly potent spirit that should be used with caution. When handling alcohol, be sure to wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the vapours. It is also important to keep alcohol away from flames and heat sources, as it is highly flammable.

Conclusion: Is grain alcohol right for you?

Grain alcohol is a versatile and potent spirit that has a wide range of uses and benefits. Whether you’re a bartender, a DIY enthusiast, or someone interested in exploring the world of spirits, alcohol is definitely worth considering. Just be sure to use it responsibly and follow all safety precautions to avoid any accidents or injuries. Cheers!

Absinthe Drink: The Green Fairy


Absinthe, the mysterious and seductive drink, has captured the imagination of artists, writers, and bohemians for centuries. With the Absinthe green fairy’s vibrant green colour and reputation for inducing creative inspiration, the Absinthe drink holds a unique place in the world of spirits. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing history of absinthe, explore its production process, and provide a guide on how to serve this captivating elixir.

The History of Absinthe

Absinthe’s story begins in the late 18th century in Switzerland, where it was initially created as a medicinal tonic. However, it quickly gained popularity as a recreational drink and spread throughout Europe, becoming particularly prominent in France. By the mid-19th century, absinthe had become the drink of choice among artists and intellectuals, who believed in its ability to enhance creativity.

Absinthe’s rise in popularity also attracted controversy. Rumours and myths began to circulate about its supposedly hallucinogenic properties, leading to its prohibition in several countries, including the United States and much of Europe, during the early 20th century. However, in recent decades, absinthe has experienced a revival, with a growing appreciation for its cultural significance and craftsmanship.

The Production Process

Absinthe is made using a blend of botanicals, with the most essential ingredient being Artemisia absinthium, commonly known as wormwood. The key to absinthe’s characteristic flavour and colour lies in the process of distillation and maceration.

The production of absinthe begins with the maceration of a mixture of herbs, including wormwood, anise, fennel, and various other botanicals, in high proof alcohol. This maceration allows the alcohol to extract the flavours and essential oils from the herbs. After a period of maceration, the liquid is distilled, often in a traditional copper still, which helps to refine the flavours and create a smooth and complex spirit.

Once the distillation is complete, the absinthe is typically coloured using a natural plant-based dye, such as chlorophyll, which gives it its characteristic green hue. The amount of colouring can vary, resulting in different shades of green. After colouring, the absinthe is diluted to its desired strength by adding water, which also brings out the unique louche effect—the clouding or opalescence that occurs when water is added to the absinthe.

Drinking Absinthe, Source:

Serving Absinthe

Serving absinthe is an art in itself, with a ritualistic process that adds to the allure of the drink. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to serve absinthe:

  1. The Glassware: Traditionally, absinthe is served in a specialized glass known as a “Pontarlier” or “absinthe glass.” This glass is characterized by its elongated shape, which helps to showcase the colours and louche effect of the drink. Additionally, a slotted absinthe spoon rests on top of the glass.
  2. Preparing the Absinthe: Place a sugar cube on top of the Absinthe spoon and position it over the glass. Slowly pour ice-cold water over the sugar cube, allowing it to dissolve and drip into the absinthe. The water helps to dilute the spirit and release the flavours and aromas.
  3. The Louche Effect: As water is added, watch the mesmerizing Louche effect, where the green absinthe turns milky and opalescent. This transformation occurs due to the precipitation of the essential oils present in the absinthe.
  1. Adjusting the Dilution: The ratio of water to absinthe can vary based on personal preference, but a common guideline is using three to five parts water to one part absinthe. Experiment and find the dilution that suits your taste.
  2. Enjoying the Absinthe: Once the desired dilution is achieved, give the drink a gentle stir to mix the water and Absinthe. Sip slowly, savouring the intricate flavours of anise, fennel, and wormwood. Absinthe’s complex profile often evolves as you drink, revealing new layers of herbal and aromatic notes.

What is the Green Fairy drink?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, absinthe captivated artists and bohemians, seen as a muse for creativity. It influenced figures like Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Wilde.

The Green Fairy’s allure and association with absinthe inspired bohemian culture, but its mystical properties are a myth. Wormwood’s thujone was once thought to cause hallucinations, but it’s not true.

However, modern research has greatly debunked the exaggerated reputation of absinthe for causing hallucinations. The effects of absinthe are primarily due to its high alcohol content rather than thujone.

Today, the term “Green Fairy” represents Absinthe’s historical and cultural significance. It symbolizes the allure, mystery, and artistic associations that have surrounded this intriguing spirit throughout its history.

Absinthe alcohol

Absinthe alcohol captivates drinkers with its high potency and distinctive characteristics. It boasts strong alcohol by volume (ABV) ranging from 45% to 74%, making it known for its intense alcoholic content.

This potency is essential for extracting the flavours and aromas from the botanical ingredients during the distillation process. As a result, absinthe alcohol develops a unique and robust character that sets it apart.

Diluting absinthe with water unveils its complex flavours. It triggers the mesmerizing louche effect, enhancing the experience.

The interplay of alcohol, water, and botanicals captivates and cherishes absinthe among enthusiasts.


Absinthe continues to captivate the imagination of enthusiasts worldwide with its rich history, unique production process, and alluring serving ritual. Whether you’re drawn to its cultural significance, or fascinated by absinthe, it offers a journey into the realm of the unconventional.

You will be intrigued by Absinthe’s complex flavours.

So, the next time you indulge in this green elixir, remember to appreciate its heritage and let it inspire your senses.

Making Bitters at Home

Making Bitters at Home

So you want to make some “bitters” at home? You may wonder what are bitters, and why use them in drinks. After all, alcoholic drinks can be bitter. Who wants to drink something with more flavour, I do.

Bitters have botanicals, herbs, and roots infused with alcohol. They add rich flavour elements to beverages. Many bitters recipes make use of lemon and orange zest, also. This can create a zesty sweetness in drinks, especially summer cocktails.

If you haven’t made bitters before, it helps to start with a general-purpose recipe. Keep reading for more information on bitters recipes. As well as recommendations on steps and variations, you can find some recipes.

How to make bitters at home?

A Guide to making bitters

What is the main ingredient in bitters?

What are bitters made of?

How is bitters made?

Bitters are made with neutral pure alcohol 95% infused with spices, herbs, fruits, tree bark, roots, and additional botanicals. Common ingredients in bitters include gentian root, orange peel, cascarilla, cassia bark, and cinchona bark.

Other flavours can be chocolate, grapefruit, my favourite orange, and rhubarb. Below you will find the recipes for Angostura bitters.

Bottles of homemade bitters
Bottles of homemade bitters

Making bitters sous vide

Traditionally, making bitters is a slow, month-long process. Using sous vide, which is a hot water bath, for the bitters speeds this process up to only a few hours. I usually sous vide them at 140°F to 150°F (60°C to 65°C) for 2 to 4 hours.

  • Mild, Uncooked Flavors: 55C for 1 to 3 hours
  • Medium, Stronger Flavors: 60C for 1 to 3 hours
  • Cooked, Strong Flavors: 70C for 1 to 3 hours

You can use a magic butter machine to sous vide your plant, herbs and spices.

Making bitters with Everclear

Making bitters with Everclear alcohol in Australia is easy as it is a high proof or high percentage neutral alcohol that extracts the flavours and oils from the plant material.

Recipe for making bitters

Angostura Bitters Recipes

Angostura bitters is one of the oldest bitters recipes used today. Created by German doctor Johann Siegert in the 19th century in Venezuela these bitters are very popular. Its dark, piquant, and bitter taste has made it an ideal addition to cocktails ever since.

We have simple and advanced Angostura recipes, for you to try: 

Simple Angostura Recipe

  • 1 teaspoon chopped gentian root
  • 1/4 cup cinchona bark, chopped
  • 400 ml of Everclear or high-proof pure alcohol
  • 400 ml of water

Place all ingredients together in an infusion jar and seal it. Shake the jar once per day, and let sit for three to six days.

Test the concentration by smelling it every day, and filter the solids out with a cloth strainer when the scent has reached its best. Put your finished bitters in a dark bottle and store them in a dry, cool location, not your refrigerator

How do you make Angostura bitter?

Advanced Angostura Recipe

  • 1 teaspoon gentian root.
  • 1/4 cup cinchona bark, chopped.
  • 1/2 cup whole cloves.
  • 1/4 cup whole cardamom.
  • 6 to 8 sticks of cinnamon.
  • 2 tablespoons whole allspice berries.
  • 400 ml of pure alcohol or 190 proof grain alcohol
  • 400 ml of water for dilution.

Other bitters recipes

There are quite a few different recipes you can try.

Some are:

  • Orange Bitters
  • Aromatic Bitters
  • Cocktail Bitters
  • Chocolate Bitters
  • All-Purpose Bitters
  • Rhubarb Bitters
  • Grapefruit Bitters

Native Australian Bitters

You can use native Australian botanicals to make Bitters with roasted Wattleseed, Lemon & Anise Myrtle, roasted Desert Oak seed, Tasmanian Mountain Berry and many others.

Australian Spirit for making bitters

Where can I buy online alcohol to make my own bitters in Australia?

As mentioned above, you can use 95% alcohol (Everclear) in Australia or pure alcohol for making bitters. There are many types of alcohol you can use to make bitters. Try using organic brandy for a smoother flavour or 100-proof vodka for a refined finish.

The higher the alcohol content of the ethanol you use you will find you can extract a higher percentage of ingredients from the materials you are infusing.

You can buy online alcohol to make your own bitters in Australia from Harris Organic Wine and Spirits.

We recommend using 190 proof alcohol, like Everclear with recipes containing barks and lower alcohol percentages such as 100 proof vodka for softer materials, such as berries.


There are many differing recipes for making bitters at home. We have shown you how to make bitters at home and the method used to make bitters. Enjoy.

Working Process of Cannabidiol?

A Brief Explanation

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis or hemp. There are several therapeutic advantages of CBD, such as reducing pain and inflammation and mood-enhancing effects. However, the potential for CBD to improve moods is without the euphoric high associated with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Due to this, CBD oil, or CBD gummies in the U.K., can be a well-liked and safe natural treatment for mood disorders, including anxiety, depression, and others.

CBD - cannabidiol
CBD – cannabidiol

Source: Pixabay

1.      CBD: What Is It?

CBD is among 150 naturally occurring cannabinoids in cannabis, constituting up to 40% of the plant’s extract. Unlike THC, it lacks psychoactive effects, not causing the characteristic “high.”

The number of CBD oils and hemp extract products on the market has risen dramatically because people are experiencing improvements in their health and wellness after incorporating this health supplement into their regular dietary routine. Further, the best CBD oil products are thus made from whole hemp plant extract, containing a full spectrum of cannabinoids and other beneficial plant elements such as terpenes and flavonoids.

2.      How Does CBD Work?

Understanding your endocannabinoid system (ECS) is key to comprehending CBD’s effects. The human body possesses a complex network called the ECS, comprising enzymes, lipids, and receptors. This system plays a vital role in maintaining body balance, or homeostasis.

The discovery of the endocannabinoid system in the 20th century revolutionized human health. CBD interacts with brain receptors, influencing the ECS, which regulates mood, immune response, appetite, and memory.

The ECS oversees numerous essential functions, including reproduction. It influences every aspect of life; finding a bodily process devoid of ECS involvement would be challenging.

CBD growing hemp
CBD growing hemp

Source: Pixabay

What does this signify for people who use medical marijuana? Because of the ECS’s different receptors and how cannabis binds to them, medical marijuana may be used to treat various ailments. The endocannabinoid system is crucial in maintaining your health balance, from cancer to epilepsy.

Here are several possible mechanisms through which CBD interacts with various receptors and provides therapeutic benefits.

CBD And Epilepsy

Epidiolex’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for treating severe forms of epilepsy represents one of the biggest advances in cannabis medicine. The first cannabis drug not made synthetically to receive FDA approval is called Epidiolex. Such drugs help control and avert epileptic seizures. CBD can eliminate the adverse effects caused by certain anti-seizure medications. Additionally, it also improves the health and quality of life of epilepsy patients. 

Mood Disorders And CBD

CBD has anxiolytic and depressive qualities with no or low adverse effects. As a result, CBD is a promising novel medication for treating anxiety and mood disorders. A 2014 animal study discovered that CBD’s action on these brain receptors caused antidepressant and anti-anxiety benefits. An assessment of current studies showed that CBD has anti-stress properties, which may alleviate stress-related depression.

Pain Receptors And CBD

According to research, CBD may be able to “desensitize” the TRPV1 receptor. The TRPV1 receptor, which also senses heat and discomfort, aids in controlling our body temperature. CBD’s analgesic (pain-killing), antiemetic (nausea-beating), and seizure-controlling qualities result from this interaction. Because CBD is an allosteric modulator, it may also have analgesic effects. 

CBD oil, Hemp Oil

Source: Pixabay

The Immune System And CBD

CB1 and CB2 receptors are crucial for immune system operation. Compared to CB2 receptors, which are often present in the peripheral nervous system, CB1 receptors are more prevalent in the central nervous system. CBD can inhibit the synthesis of cytokines, hence lowering immune response-related inflammation.

The Brain And CBD

An essential glutamate receptor for neuroplasticity and memory consolidation is the NMDA receptor. This endows CBD with neuroprotective qualities and may aid in regulating mental processes like memory formation, mood regulation, and learning. This interaction may also explain the anticonvulsant properties of CBD and its usage as an antipsychotic.

Liver And CBD

Cannabidiol can heal brain disease by restoring liver function, normalizing 5-HT levels, and normalizing brain function. As a result, cannabidiol’s effects may originate from a combination of its actions in the liver and brain. CBD possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is, therefore, helpful in decreasing inflammatory responses and preserving the liver from oxidative damage. CBD substantially reduces inflammation and oxidative stress and eliminates malignant cells in experimental animals. 

The Entourage Effect

The cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, and fatty acids that are naturally present in hemp cause an effect known as the entourage effect. CBD may not be self-sufficient in treating all illnesses. But when combined with a bit of THC (even in non- or low-psychoactive quantities) and the plant’s terpenes, it has several beneficial purposes. However, many people turn to CBD to prevent getting high from THC. Pure CBD is the best option if your objective is to profit from cannabis without getting high. 


CBD is a popular plant that holds many therapeutic benefits. However, you can feel the effects of CBD within 10-15 mins if you are using it sublingually, whereas edibles and topical takes more time to show their results. Lastly, a person needs to consult their doctor about using CBD in a treatment plan if the usage is for a medical condition.

Introducing Delta 10, THC-O & HHC:

The Next Big Thing in Cannabis

Many people know about delta-8-THC, delta-9-THC, CBD, THCV, and THCA. These are some of the most prevalent cannabinoids that people have talked about for a long time. Numerous studies, books, articles, and blog posts have covered these cannabinoids. Therefore, we won’t talk about them today.

If you’re someone interested in the world of cannabis, you surely know many things about the cannabinoids mentioned above. However, with the discovery of delta-10-tetrahydrocannabinol, or simply delta-10-THC, even the biggest cannabis fans can learn a few new things about their favourite plant.

Keep reading if you’d like to know more about the newly-discovered delta-10-THC.

Cannabis Leaf for tinctures
Image source: Pexels

About Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC

If you’re thinking about trying Delta 10, THC-O, HHC, and purchasing D10 products online, you need to learn more about these cannabinoids’ amazing benefits of using thc tincture.

The last few decades were huge for discovering various cannabinoids and features relating to the cannabis plant. Over the years, scientists identified more than 150 cannabinoids and numerous forms of THC, out of which the most popular one became delta-9-THC. However, the research didn’t stop there.

Delta 10

Although delta-10-THC wasn’t discovered on purpose, it has become one of the most talked-about cannabinoids since its discovery. Namely, delta-10-THC was, in a way, an accident. A cannabis batch was contaminated by the fire retardant used by the Californian firefighters to put out heavy Californian bushfires.

As a result, strange crystals appeared and were immediately purified, and then studied. Ultimately, the cannabis compounds received new pharmacological properties, and the crystals were identified as an artificial variant of delta-9-THC, called delta-10-THC.


THC-O acetate, or simply THC-O, is a synthetic analog of THC. Essentially, it’s a chemical twin of THC, synthetically created in the lab. THC-O has identical pharmacological properties to naturally-derived THC. However, it can only be manufactured by skilled cannabis experts using modern equipment.


HHC, or Hexa-hydro-cannabinol, naturally occurs in the cannabis plant, but the amounts are too small to execute cost-effective extractions. As a result, synthetic HHC can be created by extracting the molecules from hemp-derived CBD via various chemical processes.

Cannabis Leaf for tinctures
Image source: Pexels photo-of-cannabis-leaves-on-dark-background 

Effects and benefits of Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC

Because these cannabinoids have been discovered relatively recently and no sufficient studies and tests have been conducted, it’s impossible to make proven health claims connected to their use. However, it’s possible to speculate which benefits and effects cannabinoids should have. 

Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC interact with our endocannabinoid system like any other THC variant. They bind to our CB1 and CB2 receptors, so they’re expected to have effects including:

  • Pain relief;
  • Reduced inflammation;
  • Reduced appetite;
  • Reduced anxiety;
  • Resolved sleep problems.

When it comes to the benefits of Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC, they are:

  • Contain less than 0.3% THC;
  • Offer a different experience than the traditional THC high;
  • It can be purchased online in most States of America.
marijuana edibles
Image source: Pexels 

The legality of Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC

When a new cannabinoid is discovered, one of the first things people want to know is details concerning its legal status. But, due to the complex laws and the complicated structure of cannabis plants, the legality status of Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC isn’t so simple.

Currently, Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC are all legal on a US federal level, as long as they don’t contain more than 0.3% THC. Based on the 2018 Farm Bill, any products derived from hemp with up to 0.3% THC are entirely legal to purchase and use.

However, the US DEA issued an interim claiming that all synthetically derived THC products should be placed under Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act. However, many brands and manufacturers are curious about this without an explanation of what products are synthetically derived.

Therefore, Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC are currently legal, but they may not be sometime soon.

Dark Green Leafed plant
Image source: Pexels 

Popular Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC products

Since these cannabinoids are relatively new products on the market, the selection of products still isn’t as wide as it’ll probably be. Brands and manufacturers are still trying to figure out the formulas and create the best possible customer outcomes. Right now, you can find the following products on the market:

  • Disposable vapes;
  • Oil cartridges;
  • Raw distillates.

As already said, cannabis brands and manufacturers are trying very hard to develop innovative products based on the newly found and created cannabinoids. Therefore, numerous products are expected to appear on the market soon, including:

  • Flowers;
  • Capsules;
  • Tinctures;
  • Edibles;
  • Beverages.

These are only some of our predictions. No one can know which products manufacturers will launch, so we’re left to wait and see what brands have recently worked on.

The bottom line

Ever since they were created and discovered, Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC have been met with curiosity by the public. Researchers wanted to study their pharmacological properties, while cannabis users wanted to experiment with their effects and benefits.

Although many unclear details exist concerning Delta 10, THC-O, and HHC, new information is regularly discovered. All in all, these cannabinoids might be just the ones you’ve been looking for to maximize your pleasant experience with THC.

Denatured Alcohol – Australia

What It Is and What You Need to Know

What is denatured alcohol in Australia?

Denatured alcohol, also called methylated spirits, or Metho for short is a greener alternative to using petroleum-based solvents. Poisonous denatured alcohol in Australia is called Methylated spirits.

Denatured alcohol is a type of alcohol that has been treated to make it poisonous to drink but still useful and practical to use.

This is done to prevent it from being consumed as a food or beverage. So called, Metho is used as a solvent and as a fuel.

There are two types of alcohol: ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. These are also known as ethanol and methanol.

Ethyl alcohol is the type of pure alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, like beer, wine or spirits.

Methyl alcohol is the type of alcohol found in antifreeze and some cleaning products. Methyl alcohol is also known as methanol.

What are the common names for denatured alcohol in Australia?

In Australia, denatured alcohol is commonly known by several names, including methylated spirits, metho, denatured ethanol, denatured spirit, industrial methylated spirits, and rubbing alcohol.

These terms are often used interchangeably and refer to the same type of alcohol that has been made unfit for human consumption by the addition of toxic substances, such as methanol or pyridine. Denatured alcohol is commonly used as a solvent, fuel, or disinfectant in a range of industrial and household applications.

Uses for alcohol denatured

In many countries, sales of alcoholic beverages are heavily taxed for revenue and public health policy purposes.

In order to avoid paying beverage taxes on alcohol that’s not meant to be consumed, the alcohol must be “denatured”, or treated with added chemicals to make it distasteful.

Alcohol is tightly defined by government regulations in countries that tax alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol is used identically to ethanol (ethyl alcohol) except for applications that involve fuel, surgical and laboratory stock.

Pure ethanol is required for food and beverage applications and certain chemical reactions where the denaturant would interfere.

In chemical laboratories, denatured ethanol shouldn’t be used for the precipitation of nucleic acids, since the additives may interfere with downstream applications.[2]

Denatured alcohol has no advantages for any purpose over normal ethanol; it’s a public policy compromise.

As this alcohol is sold without the heavy excise tax on alcohol suitable for consumption, it is a less expensive solution for most uses that don’t involve drinking.

If pure ethanol were made cheaply available for fuel, solvents, or medicinal purposes, it may likely be enjoyed as a drink by many people without payment of the Australian alcoholic beverage taxes, called an excise tax.[3]

Denatured Alcohol is not food grade.
Denatured Alcohol is not food grade.

Can you drink denatured ethanol?

Can you drink denatured ethanol? Yes, you can if you want to, but it is poisonous to your system because of its high alcohol content, and a small amount can give you a headache, dizziness, gastric disorders, nausea and even your nervous system depression.

So, do not attempt to drink metho or use it to make tinctures. Buy food-grade ethanol or pure alcohol.

What are the benefits of denatured alcohol?

Denatured alcohol is widely known for its anti-bacterial properties.

This makes it an ideal cleaning agent. It can be used on a variety of hard surfaces, such as wood, plastic, and glass. During the latest pandemic, alcohol was used for cleaning surfaces.

Its capacity as a solvent also enables it to dissolve grease and stains, as well as remove light marks from some surfaces.

Can denatured alcohol be used for cleaning?

Can denatured alcohol be used for cleaning? Of course, it can! It is best for use on inert surfaces like stainless steel and glass. This includes porcelain toilets, bathroom stalls, stainless sinks, kitchens and almost any other hard surface. Dilute the denatured alcohol with one part of warm water to one part of denatured ethanol.

Cleaning windows

My grandmother swore by using metho and newspaper to clean windows, they were sparkling clean. You can use this alcohol in your house or car windows too.

Drawbacks of denatured alcohol

Despite its toxic methanol content, denatured alcohol is sometimes incorrectly used as a solvent in food-grade recipes. The toxins may result in a foul taste in the final product. This can also result in blindness or death as it contains methanol.

For instance, during the Prohibition within the United States, federal law required methanol in domestically manufactured industrial alcohols. From December 1926, which was roughly at the midpoint of the “Noble Experiment” of nationwide alcohol prohibition, 31 people in New York City died of methanol poisoning.[4] 

To help prevent this, denatonium is often added to give the essence an extremely bitter flavour.

Substances such as pyridine are also added to give the mixture an unpleasant odour, and agents such as syrup of ipecac may also be included to cause vomiting.

If you use this for cleaning surfaces, be careful as sometimes the metho can dissolve plastics, particularly window film.

Where to buy denatured alcohol – Australia

Denatured alcohol is a type of alcohol that has additives to make it unfit for consumption, and it is often used for industrial and household purposes. Here are some places where you can buy denatured alcohol:

  1. Hardware stores: Many hardware stores, such as Bunnings and Mitre10, carry denatured alcohol in their paint and cleaning supplies sections.
  2. Automotive stores: Some automotive stores, such as Super Expensive and Auto One Parts, may carry denatured alcohol for use in cleaning car parts and tools.
  3. Online retailers: Denatured alcohol can be purchased online from retailers such as Amazon, eBay, and Kogan.
  4. Specialty stores: Some specialty stores, such as art supply stores or woodworking shops, may carry denatured alcohol for use in cleaning brushes or furniture.

When purchasing denatured alcohol, be sure to read the label carefully to ensure that it is appropriate for the intended use. It is also important to follow safety guidelines and use the product in a well-ventilated area.


Denatured alcohol has many uses, whether cleaning windows or using it as a refrigerant in a cooling system. However drinking denatured alcohol or adding it to food products, like CBD tinctures is not a good idea.

Some Facts

The main additive usually is 10% methanol (methyl alcohol), hence the name methylated spirits.

Buying Ethanol in Australia

Buying ethanol in Australia. As an Australian supplier of edible grade ethanol, you can buy ethanol in Australia (500 ml) from Harris Organic in small quantities.

The ins and outs of purchasing alcohol takes a lot of explanation to customers. In this post, we’ll look at the types of ethanol and alcohol available, and who is eligible to buy them.

For solvent use, ethanol is also known as “metho”, ethyl alcohol, Everclear or alcohol can be a useful compound.

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is made by the fermentation of sugars by yeast.

Once the wine or beer is distilled, it has a wide range of uses. Ethanol can be used as a solvent, an antiseptic or sanitiser, an ingredient in fuels, and tinctures, and mostly as a drink, like beer, wine or brandy.

Where to buy ethanol in Australia

Where to buy ethanol in Australia? Lots of people ask chemists and bottle shops to buy small quantities of ethanol. Ethanol is also known as ethyl alcohol, for tinctures and other uses. But, as food grade 95% alcohol is poisonous if ingested, it is not found in bottle shops.

For human consumption, ethanol can be diluted to be ingested. We recommend the ethanol percentage be less than 40% for safe consumption.

Yet, Harris Organic has small quantities of 95% ethanol available to send to postal addresses in Australia.

How do I buy ethanol in Australia?

It is easy to buy ethanol in Australia, as it is readily available from Harris Organic Wine and Spirits. You do not need to have a permit to have small quantities of ethanol in Australia.

Dangerous Goods

All alcohol greater than 70% is classed as Dangerous Goods. If you buy Everclear or food-grade alcohol from Harris Organic, the goods will be transported as Dangerous Goods.

That means that Australia Post will not express post your order via aeroplane across Australia. All orders will be sent via road freight and unfortunately, take a little longer to arrive.

Tax on Ethanol in Australia

The excise tax on alcohol in Australia is large because ethanol is so popular. Ethyl alcohol as a component of alcoholic beverages, the sale of beer, wine or brandy in Australia has excise tax added.

The Australian Tax Office imposes the excise tax also called the Australian alcohol tax.

This means, that if you’re looking to buy pure ethanol in Australia for any purpose, you need to pay the Australian alcohol tax. Included in the bottle price is the excise tax.

If you buy a bottle of vodka, whiskey, gin or brandy you will pay about Australian $22-$25 of excise tax per 700 mL bottle. Depending on the level of ethanol concentration in the spirit.

alcohol 500ml
Ethanol in Australia- Pure Alcohol 500ml

Different types of high percentage ethanol

There are different types of high percentage ethanol and high strength alcohol available in Australia. Some have poison added so that it is undrinkable. This is called denatured alcohol.

Denatured vs Undenatured Ethanol

There are two types of undenatured alcohol available to buy: Denatured and Undenatured ethanol.

What is Denatured ethanol in Australia?

‘Denatured’ ethanol and denatured alcohol are unrestricted to buy in Australia, as it has an additive that makes it unfit for human consumption. The additive makes the ethanol poisonous and tastes and smells foul.

Methylated Spirit contains about 10% methanol and other additives. Additives such as denatonium benzoate are the most common samples. This makes the “Metho” unpalatable.

The Methylated spirits alcohol percentage is normally about 95 per cent, made up of a combination of alcohols.

A high percentage of ethanol alcohol can be dangerous. Dangerous if consumed and dangerous if ignited. You can use this in your metho stove, to light fires and keep warm.

Denatured metho alcohol is widely available and cheap to buy from hardware stores. Used for window cleaning with newspaper or as fuel for a “metho” stove. Therefore, due to the poisonous effects of methanol when absorbed into the body, it cannot be used in hand sanitiser or food production.

Undenatured Ethanol Alcohol for sale in Australia

There are no restrictions on natural or undenatured ethanol alcohol (read 95% vodka) bought in Australia. This is the purest highest percentage of alcohol you can get. The alcohol percentage can vary from 37 to 95%.

However, if you’re looking for a higher grade with an alcohol percentage of 95 per cent use high-grade alcohol. High-grade alcohol or Everclear or pure ethanol is the product you can purchase here.

Uses for Ethanol (pure alcohol)

 There are a great many uses where only natural ethanol pure alcohol will suffice. Getting a small quantity is now pretty easy without needing a Concessional Spirit Permit from the Tax office.

  • Tinctures
  • Limoncello
  • Antiseptic
  • Fortifying wine
  • Making spirits like gin
  • Food application, like icing
  • Gin making

Can you buy ethanol in Australia?

Occasionally we are asked if you can buy ethanol in Australia. As you will find, despite a few myths, it is legal to have ethanol in Australia. Try Australian-made Harris Organic food grade ethanol.

Is organic ethanol the same as alcohol?

Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is the same chemical that is in all alcoholic drinks including brandy spirits. We make organic ethanol from our organic grape wine. Organic alcohol is typically used in tinctures, perfumes and fragrances.

Large quantities of Ethanol

If you want large quantities of ethanol and work for an institution you may apply for an alcohol excise permit. With a permit, you can obtain ethanol free of Australian alcohol tax for the following uses:

  • approved industrial,
  • scientific,
  • manufacturing,
  • medical,
  • veterinary or
  • educational purpose,

it won’t be too difficult to get approval to buy alcohol with an excise exemption permit.

Ethanol uses by local, state, and commonwealth department regulations including the taxation office.

The Australian Tax Office controls the use of alcohol in Australia.

Some of the approved uses of ethanol are listed below:

  • Fortifying Australian wine or grape must
  • Manufacturing
  • medicines, including vaccines
  • essences and flavours
  • mouthwashes
  • printing inks
  • foodstuffs
  • Sterilising equipment
  • Preserving specimens

Permitted use of alcohol is listed above. Please contact the ATO excise office, if you aren’t sure.

Applying for a Permit to Buy Ethanol

If you believe your planned use of Australian ethanol will be approved, all you need to do now is submit an Application For Approval to Use Spirits. This is a simple process. Apply with the form from the ATO here and follow the steps provided. 

Additionally, it should be clarified that the application is for the company/partnership/trust and not the employee.  On the permit application form, the declaration can only be completed by a primary contact or a person authorised by a primary contact.

Depending on your use case, permits are generally valid for the following periods:

  • Permit for one-off specified quantity: six weeks
  • Initial ongoing permit: one year
  • Renewals of ongoing permit: five years.

Then, buy the allowed quantity of ethanol during that period only. During your permit period, you will also need to keep clear records to show how you are using it.

This means:  

  • The purposes for which you used it
  • The amount you hold
  • The amount you obtained
  • The date you obtained it
  • The name of your supplier

But, you have to keep records for at least five years. 

The following uses will not be approved:

·         as a beverage or in the production of a beverage (other than as an incidental input);

·         in any product (including products that are not beverages) that may be consumed for an intoxicating effect.

·         as a fuel (or a component of fuel)

·         on-supply to another person (unless expressly permitted by the CEO in an approval granted under subsection 77FF(1) of the Excise Act.

We may also request that the client provide additional information to substantiate their eligibility for the permit.

And lastly by all means you are encouraged to contact the ATO if you have any queries.  The ATO number is 1300 137 290. 

Purchasing Pure Alcohol and Ethanol in Australia

You can buy pure alcohol and ethanol in Australia without an approved permit if you want a small quantity. We can supply you with small quantities of alcohol Ethanol, it is easy.  Go to our alcohol shop alcohol page and we will post it to you.

Can you buy pure alcohol in Australia?

You buy pure alcohol (ethanol) in Australia by shopping online at Harris Organic Wine and Spirits online shop. They post small quantities across Australia.

Where to buy denatured alcohol?

Where to buy denatured alcohol or buy denatured ethanol has a simple answer. You can buy denatured alcohol or denatured ethanol from your local hardware store or supermarket. It is called methylated spirits in Australia.

Is vodka ethanol alcohol?

Some Australian alcoholic spirits, such as vodka, contain a few flavour compounds but consist essentially of 40% ethanol and water.


There is a lot to know about the definitions of alcohol and the terms used like ethanol.

Duncan Harris – Bio

Duncan has been working in the Swan Valley wine industry for over 25 years. Firstly, he would help out on weekends at Riverbank Winery, while looking for land to grow grapes in the Swan Valley.

In 1995 Duncan attended the Spring in the Valley festival and went to Baskerville Hall. He noted that the horse paddock opposite renowned John Kosovich wines (formerly Westfield) was an ideal place to grow excellent wine grapes.

A professional mechanical engineer, Duncan holds a great interest in electric cars and wind power. In 1989, Duncan attended a windpower conference in Houston Texas while visiting windpower sites in Europe, California and Hawaii.

October 1998 was the beginning of his winemaking journey. The Baskerville property was advertised in the Sunday Times newspaper.

So, 1999 was the first vintage at the new property. We made a Shiraz and a Chenin blanc with the assistance of winemaker David McNamara.

In 2007 Duncan used waste grapes to make the first organic brandy in Australia whilst building stills and teaching himself distilling. Later, he found out his Irish great-great-great-grandfather was also a Sydney illegal distiller.

The 1921 edition of the Handbook of Horticulture and Viticulture was republished by Duncan in 2007.

Duncan continued to make top-quality organic wines as well as organic brandy, organic vodka and Pisco brandy.

How to make CBD oil at home – Australia

There are lots of ways how to make CBD oil at home and cannabis oil, whether it is a tincture or thc oil. Try making CBD oil at home. The method used here uses Australian pure alcohol to extract the CBD from your plant material to make pure CBD oil, hash oil or make cannabis oil for your homemade CBD oil.

Organic CBD oil is made by extracting CBD with organic alcohol from the cannabis plant and then evaporating the organic alcohol. Or you can add the extracted liquid to your cooking or make a CBD tea. Find out how to extract oil from hemp here.

As this CBD oil recipe uses pure alcohol of high proof is recommended to remove most of the alcohol to give you pure CBD oil before you directly ingest it or dilute it. Alcohol at 95% is not good for internal use unless diluted to less than 40% v/v or you can evaporate the alcohol off your how to make cannabis oil.

CBD tincture – online video

Here is a how-to make CBD tincture online video on making a simple CBD oil tincture using a magic butter machine. It’s simple to make and easy to follow the CBD oil recipe. All you need is a magic butter machine, some gloves, a funnel, containers and a bottle of Everclear or 95% organic alcohol or 190 proof alcohol.

Recipe for CBD oil tincture or cannabis tincture

You will find the CBD oil recipe on the “Make and Mary” website. It tells you how to decarb the CBD and soak for 3-4 weeks in pure alcohol Everclear. How you make CBD oil will also be explained on this page.

Alcohol for CBD Oil or Cannabis Tincture

There are many types of alcohol for CBD oil, hemp oil, weed oil, Marijuana oil, CBD isolate oil or cannabis tinctures. The best alcohol is 190 proof alcohol or 95% alcohol. This food-grade ethanol alcohol comes in many names. Some names are:

If you would like to purchase, ie buy Australian, buy Harris Organic food-grade ethanol or  Everclear alcohol and are residing in Australia you can purchase high-quality organic alcohol online to make CBD oil, in Australia.

Make CBD Oil tinctures.
Alcohol to make CBD oil tincture

This alcohol is ethanol ethyl alcohol, yes it is. there are several forms of alcohol. The one humans use is ethanol called ethyl alcohol. Methanol is another derivative, which is poisonous to humans.

How to make Hash Oil

How to make hash oil is as easy as making cannabis oil, but illegal. Just obtain your ingredients and the best Afghani hash and you can use the same method as shown above with the magic butter machine.

In Australia, it is illegal to produce or possess hash oil, as it is classified as a Schedule 2 drug under the Australian Criminal Code. Possession or production of hash oil can lead to serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

It’s important to prioritize your health and safety and avoid any illegal or potentially harmful activities. Instead, you may consider exploring legal and safe alternatives for your needs. If you require assistance with managing a medical condition, it’s recommended to seek advice from a qualified medical professional.

Rick Simpson Oil

A brief overview of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) without going into extensive detail. RSO is a cannabis oil extract known for its potential medicinal properties, particularly in relation to cancer treatment. It is named after its creator, Rick Simpson, who claims that it helped him cure his skin cancer.

RSO is derived from the cannabis plant, and it’s typically made using a solvent alcohol extraction process. It is rich in cannabinoids, particularly THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is known for its psychoactive effects. Some studies suggest that RSO may have potential therapeutic benefits, such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, it’s essential to note that the use of RSO remains a subject of debate, as its legality and safety vary from place to place. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before considering RSO as a treatment option.

I recommend conducting further research on this topic or consulting a subject matter expert, as this brief overview does not cover all the aspects of RSO in detail.

CBD Oil Products

Try this link, for what the Western Australian Health Department says about cannabis oil or CBD oil products. Search here for information on cannabis-based products.

What is CBD oil tincture?

CBD oil (cannabidiol) is a chemical found in hemp or marijuana. CBD oil doesn’t contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in marijuana that gets you high. The usual CBD formulation is oil. Food, drinks, and beauty products are among the many CBD oil-infused online products. For more information on CBD oil cannabidiol, check this out.

Grow your own CBD from seeds.

One way and place to obtain seeds is through the post. A customer called me about the Harris certified organic alcohol he used in making his CBD tincture at home. He suggested getting seeds from Herbies Head Shop in Spain which ships worldwide.

Making Cannabis Oil – Australia

Making Cannabis oil or Canna in Australia is relatively straightforward if you follow the recipe. You will need a quantity of CBD heads and high-strength pure alcohol.

How to make Hemp Oil at home.

How to make Hemp oil at home is just the same as making hash oil or CBD oil. Please see the video above, it will explain all the steps you on how to make hemp oil.

Using Ethanol to make CBD oil method

This ethanol ethyl alcohol recipe uses high-grade alcohol to extract CBD oil.

Grind the cannabis plant, mix it with the alcohol, and then heat gently over a couple of days to evaporate all of the alcohol, leaving behind the extracted cannabis oil. You can make it at home, but be careful as using high-proof ethanol can be dangerous. Use safety equipment and care to avoid a fire from the evaporating alcohol.

If you’re a visual learner, you can check out our video above featuring our local cannabis expert Jules, who will show you through the process of using the Magical Butter Machine.

What you will need to make CBD oil at home

Firstly you need some cannabis flowers. The strain of cannabis you use will determine the makeup and strength of your CBD oil, including the ratio of CBD to THC.

Making CBD oil at home means you have more control over the quality of ingredients used to make the oil.

For example, if you use high-CBD hemp flower in your recipe; using flower instead of trim creates a higher quality oil product. If you’d prefer to make marijuana oil, you’ll need to source marijuana flowers.

How to make CBD oil from leaves and stems at home

How to make CBD oil from leaves and stems at home is as easy as using cannabis flowers or cannabis heads. See the above recipe.

Ingredients to make CBD oil

1/4 ounce of hemp flowers
Baking sheet
Parchment paper
High-proof alcohol Everclear
Glass jar with lid
Tea strainer
1 oz. glass bottle with eye dropper

Method to make CBD oil

Check out the video by combining the hemp flowers and the 95% alcohol in the magic butter machine and away you go. But first, you have to “decarb” the flowers. Either in your oven or in the Magic Butter machine.

How to make cannabis oil

How to make cannabis oil is the same as making CBD oil, however, the result will be different as you will have THC in your cannabis oil.

Magical Butter Machine Method

Step 1 Decarb (Decarboxylate)

  1. Add your whole cannabis flower to the MagicalButter DecarBox and close the lid.
  2. Insert the temperature probe in about halfway, it should not touch the bottom of the box.
  3. Using the external digital display, set the temperature to 135°C.
  4. Set the oven to 135°C (275°F) and place the DecarBox inside, keeping the display outside.
  5. When the oven reaches 135°C, the digital display will alert you with a beep. Set a timer for 60 minutes.
  6. After 60 minutes, remove the DecarBox from the oven using the silicone glove and remove the lid. Let the cannabis cool down to room temperature for about 10 minutes.

Step 2: Infusion

The Magical Butter Machine produces consistent results with every use due to the electronic technology that maintains a constant temperature throughout the extraction cycle.

Add the “decarb” flowers and the alcohol, follow the instructions and you will have organic CBD oil in no time.

Organic CBD oil benefits

Organic CBD oil tincture or hash oil has many benefits. Some of them are:

  • Could reduce symptoms related to some mental health disorders
  • It may benefit your heart health
  • It may have neuroprotective properties
  • Other potential benefits
  • May relieve pain
  • It may alleviate certain cancer-related symptoms

Other products you can make

The recipe to make CBD oil can be used to make weed oil, THC oil, cannabis oil and hash oil, using your own homegrown products.

Binoid CBD Source:

Is it legal to make CBD oil at home?

For those looking to save money, making your own CBD oil at home is an excellent choice. However, is it legal to make your own CBD oil? The answer is yes. If you decide to make CBD oil using pure CBD isolate and pure alcohol the process is entirely legal. Pure CBD isolate contains nothing but CBD and is legal in all Australian states.  If you are using CBD oil to make a tincture, you’ll want to be sure to get lab results to ensure that the oil contains less than 0.3% THC, otherwise…… But, it is illegal to sell CBD oil or even give it away to anyone.

What is organic CBD oil?

CBD isolate is a true ‘CBD or CBD oil’ because an isolate only contains CBD (cannabidiol) and does not contain any other cannabinoids, terpenes, or healthy fatty acids from the plant. Most companies sell isolate as a crystal or a powder, however, some sell it as an oil.
In this article, the terms CBD oil and cannabis oil will be used interchangeably. Technically speaking, ‘CBD oil’ refers to cannabis oil that contains just CBD and a few other cannabinoids. However, many people use the term ‘CBD oil’ to mean any oil containing active ingredients from the cannabis plant.

Where to buy organic CBD oil in Australia?

If you’re wondering where to buy CBD oil in Australia, you can shop online at Can Do Organics for all your CBD oil and hemp products. They offer free shipping to all major Australian cities including Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Gold Coast and anywhere else.
Australian customers can also now access CBD oil in Australia through Bitola Organics CBD Oil Australia initiative. They provide shipping of CBD oil products and hemp oil products to Australia for a flat rate. Their range includes CBD oil products for both pets and personal use. All Bitola Organics CBD products are THC-free.

Advantages of organic CBD oil over regular CBD oil

If you’re looking to buy CBD oil, you can be confident in your purchase from Transcending Organics. They produce the highest quality CBD oil from whole plant extract, containing phytocannabinoids and terpenes. This makes for a superior product to CBD isolate, with the included terpenes boosting the beneficial characteristics of the CBD oil.
Full-spectrum CBD oil is very different from CBD isolate. We say this because full-spectrum CBD oil has CBD and all of the other cannabinoids (including THC), terpenes and fatty acids that naturally occur in the cannabis plant. Full-spectrum CBD is often called a whole plant extract.


How to make CBD oil using organic alcohol and making your own herbal CBD oil tincture, make it at home, can be beneficial. It can save you a lot of money.

Then, you will know exactly what’s in your organic CBD oil tincture and you may have some of the above benefits.

Good luck.


1. “MagicalButter MB2e Description”.






In What Ways Drinking Brandy With Hot Water Is Beneficial?

It’s been said that a little of what you enjoy serves you well, try drinking brandy with hot water. If you like sipping brandy now and again, you’re doing the right thing. You will be amazed to discover that this popular drink in your hand has several health advantages too.

Brandy is a warming drink made from a spirit produced from wine (or occasionally a fruit mash). The liquid is stored in oak barrels after first distillation, giving most brandy its characteristic amber hue.

Brandy combined with warm water has long been used as a home treatment for keeping the body warm, but it’s also thought to help with health issues if used in moderation.

Its name originated from the Dutch meaning “burnt wine,” which is most likely related to the extraction process. It was first produced in the 16th century. The majority of brandy is 40% alcohol in content.

Are you thinking of taking brandy with hot water? When consumed with hot water, can brandy provide any extra benefits? There’s just one way to know for sure. Continue reading to learn about the advantages of mixing brandy with hot water.

organic brandy and a brandy bottle
Organic brandy

What are the advantages of drinking hot water brandy?

Hot water brandy should be appreciated as a natural remedy when used in moderation. Let’s look at some of the critical health advantages of drinking brandy with hot water.

Brandy Health Benefits

It Can Aid in Cold or Flu

When you’re suffering from the flu, it is natural to drink warm water during cold weather. But you can combine it with brandy as well. A soothing brandy with hot water may provide much-needed comfort. Its antimicrobial qualities aid in the treatment of throat irritation and other infections.

One of the most common methods to take brandy for a cold is in a delightful brandy hot toddy. Which combined with honey and lemon, both of which possess healing properties. Meanwhile, a few sips of straight brandy may ease a sore throat. It creates an excellent combination that leverages the health benefits of both ingredients.

If you want to experiment with something new, you may try Harris Organic brandy. They offer an industry-leading selection of organic brandy. However, they also create novel tastes that go well with genuine organic brandy. 

Organic Brandy in a glass
Organic Brandy

It May Impact Cardiovascular Health

Brandy, like many other kinds of alcohol, may have a significant impact on the heart. Like the grape from which brandy is produced, it has a wide variety of beneficial antioxidants that help your heart, according to studies.

This antioxidant capacity may assist in regulating cholesterol levels and prevent plaque build-up by lowering the quantity of bad cholesterol in the heart.

One of the most excellent methods to avoid strokes and heart attacks is to prevent atherosclerosis. Brandy contains polyphenolic chemicals that assist in decreasing artery irritation. It also helps to reduce blood pressure and avoids other heart issues.

Furthermore, brandy’s polyphenolic components decrease inflammation in the circulatory system. It lowers blood pressure by easing blood vessel tension.

However, like with alcohol, excessive intake may be harmful to the heart, so exercise care while monitoring consumption.

After supper, a single glass of brandy diluted with hot water is suggested as a safe and healthy quantity.

A glass of organic brandy and hot water
A glass of brandy

Its Anti-aging Potential

The antioxidant chemicals present in brandy linked to copper in some of the distillation equipment may have a powerful impact on the body.

Antioxidants are organic molecules and substances that neutralize or remove the effects of free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are harmful leftovers of metabolic processes that may cause healthy cells in your body to mutate or die (cell death).

Antioxidants may help prevent cellular death in various places, including the skin, scalp, vital organs, and the brain.

As a result, brandy with hot water has been proven to successfully prevent wrinkles on the face, cognitive problems, impaired eyesight, and other chronic diseases that develop as you age.

It Can Be Beneficial For Your Skin

Although excessive alcohol intake has been linked to the treatment or prevention of some malignancies, brandy has been linked to preventing or treating specific skin issues.

Ellagic acid, a potent chemical molecule that may inhibit the formation and spread of malignant infections, is one of the critical components of brandy.

This acid helps in minimizing bacterial and viral infection. One can experience better overall health when resorting to optimal brandy intake.

Organic Brandy and Cigars
Brandy and a Cuban cigar

XO Brandy and a Cuban cigar

What better way to relax in an evening than with some XO Brandy and a Cuban cigar for a night of indulgence?

It Can Help With Sleep Problems

Most people associate consuming alcohol with falling asleep; nevertheless, brandy has some calming, warming, and relaxing properties that may aid in the induction of good, deep sleep.

The high alcohol level will help your system due to its inherent sleep-inducing properties, so brandy with hot water is often recommended as an after-dinner drink to aid sleep.

May Support Weight Loss Journey

Unlike carbohydrate-heavy alcoholic beverages such as beer, brandy has no carbohydrates and does not fill you up. Hot water brandy may be savoured as an aperitif without spoiling your appetite.

It does not add to the artificial sweetener breakdown of carbohydrates that are readily stored as fat, including those present in beer.

How to drink brandy for cold or cough

How to drink brandy for a cold and cough, is a question often asked.

Drinking brandy for a cold or cough is a traditional remedy that has been passed down through generations.

If you do choose to drink brandy for a cold or cough, here are some tips:

  1. Warm the brandy: Warm up the brandy slightly by heating it up in a microwave or on a stove. Do not let it boil, as this can cause the alcohol to evaporate.
  2. Add honey and lemon: Mix a teaspoon of honey and a squeeze of lemon into the warm brandy. Honey can help soothe a sore throat and cough, while lemon can provide some vitamin C.
  3. Sip slowly: Take small sips of the brandy mixture, rather than drinking it all at once. Sipping slowly will allow the brandy to soothe your throat and may help to alleviate coughing.
  4. Stay hydrated: Be sure to drink plenty of water and other fluids, as alcohol can dehydrate you.
  5. Consult your doctor: If your symptoms persist or worsen, or if you have any concerns about drinking brandy, consult your doctor.

Here is the answer, it’s a hot toddy.

Hot toddy recipe

A hot toddy for a cold or brandy for a cough is made from brandy, honey, hot water, lemon and optional spices like cloves or cinnamon. A shot of brandy, a large teaspoon of honey, juice of half a lemon and then fill your mug with hot water to dissolve the honey. Sip away.

In conclusion

Brandy is more than simply a drink to assist you with a cold. There are many health advantages and numerous ways to experience this wonderful beverage. But the best way to consume this potion is to mix brandy with warm water and sip while enjoying the delicious flavour of the drink.

10 Terms To Be Known To Whiskey Lover

For the whiskey lover, it’s more than just a drink. It’s a cherished companion, a lifelong fascination, and a true passion. Unlike the casual drinker, the whisky lover sees it as an art form waiting to be explored.

If you find yourself on this path of appreciation, then welcome! This guide will equip you with ten key terms, transforming you from a whisky enthusiast into a well-informed connoisseur.

Angels Share

Aging, my friend, is a classic process that quite a few distilleries roll with to enrich the flavour spectrum of their whiskys. Picture this: whisky gets to hang out in porous wooden barrels, soaking up all those fantastic flavours.

On average, about 2% of the liquid goes on a disappearing act thanks to evaporation and other natural dance moves. Once upon a time, a whisky lover thought this evaporation gift was going straight to the heavens. That’s where the term Angels’ Share comes into play.

Whiskey Lovers
Terms for Whiskey Lovers

2. Blended Whisky

The distillation routine usually churns out a single whisky that can stand on its own, aged or not. But blending is where the magic really happens. Distilleries mix and match different whiskys, flavours, colours, or other spirits to create something entirely new.

Folks in the blending game, those legends, carefully select the right spirits and whip them up in big batches, creating a final masterpiece. Some reckon blended whisky ain’t quite on par with the pure single malt variety.

But blending is a fine art, demanding an intricate understanding of flavours, boundless creativity, and downright love for whisky. That’s what makes blended whisky a downright classy choice to savour.

Bottles of Whiskey
Bottles of Whisky

3. Charring

Ever wondered how those smoky flavours land in some whiskys? Well, it’s all about those barrels getting a bit toasty during aging. The charring levels, depending on time, come in as Level 1 – 15 seconds, Level 2 – 30 seconds, Level 3 – 3 seconds, and Level 4 – 55 seconds.

Some daring distilleries even venture up to Level 7 for that next-level flavour explosion.

4. Chill Filtration

When whisky gets a bit chilly, the fatty acids get a bit clingy, giving the drink a cloudy appearance. While it’s still totally drinkable, that cloudy vibe ain’t winning any beauty contests.

Chill filtration comes to the rescue, cooling down the drink and sending it through a fancy absorption filter to kick those undesirables to the curb. Lately, brands have been giving this process the flick to keep things au naturel, preserving those brilliant whisky flavours and smooth textures.

5. Cask Strength

Cask strength or barrel proof is all about the whisky going straight from the barrel to the bottle. This is the apex of whisky, packing a punch with alcohol content sitting at a beefy 60 to 65% ABV, compared to the usual 40% ABV of regular whisky.

That extensive barrel ageing – at least six years – is what brings out that intense kick and those unforgettable flavours. It might cost a bit more per sip, but trust me, it’s worth every drop for that unmatched kick and flavour profile for a whisky lover.

Terms for good whiskey
Terms for good whisky

6. Distillation

Distillation is a symphony of processes that come together to birth the ultimate whisky. Basically, it involves heating up the liquid mash and then cooling down the initial steam mix to filter out specific elements.

When it comes to whisky, it also includes separating the alcohol from the fermented blend, allowing it to mature into the fantastic spirit we love. A distillery’s the hub where all these steps play out, conjuring up that liquid gold we adore.

7. Mash for Whisky

 Mash or Mash Bill, my friend, is the specific grain combo a distillery picks to create the base beer or distiller’s beer. The low-wash dance for crafting whisky blends water, yeast, and malted grains in a precise ratio.

And that same mash can whip up a whole array of flavours. Some old-school distilleries stick to a signature mash ratio across all their unique creations, adding a dash of individuality to their whiskys.

8. Peated Whisky

Peat’s a brown soil type that’s mostly found in Scotland. It’s born from moss that’s super thirsty in boggy areas. Peat’s like the secret sauce tossed into whisky recipes, adding a distinct smoky aroma and flavour to scotch whisky.

With peated whisky, peat’s the fuel for toasting the grains to create malt. This process infuses those smoky flavours from the soil into the grains, which then work their magic in the final drink.

Whisky decanter
Whisky decanter

9. Expression

Expression is all about jazzing up a base whisky recipe to bring out different flavours. It’s like adjusting the barrel’s char level, the drink’s age, its proof, the barrel’s material, or even where they’re stored.

These subtle changes can result in a similar drink to the original but with tweaks in-depth, flavour profile, and other nuanced aspects of the creation.

10. Cask Finish Whisky

Now, here’s a neat trick. Some distilleries love shuffling their aging whisky between different barrels. This game is called cask finish, where the whiskies get a new home in a second or third cask during aging.

This adds a crisp and unique touch to the drink, amping up the flavour and even fast-tracking the aging process to just a few months instead of the usual years.


To wrap it all up, these are the ten essential terms that every whiskey lover should be well-acquainted with. Getting to know these terms will give you the lowdown on the quality and flavour profile of this versatile drop.

So, when you’re hunting down the perfect whisky to enjoy, you’ll know exactly what to look for. For more whisky suggestions check out Whisky World!